Poker Draw Odds & Outs Table

Draw odds are the likelihood that you will improve your current hand and make a better one. To improve your hand, you need a specific card, suit or denomination to be drawn from the deck.

The table below shows the draw odds of making a particular hand based on the number of outs.

Outs Flop to Turn Turn to River Turn or River
20 42.6% 43.5% 67.5%
19 40.4% 41.3% 65.0%
18 38.3% 39.1% 62.4%
17 36.2% 37.0% 59.8%
16 34.0% 34.8% 57.0%
15 31.9% 32.6% 54.1%
14 29.8% 30.4% 51.2%
13 27.7% 28.3% 48.1%
12 25.5% 26.1% 45.0%
11 23.4% 23.9% 41.7%
10 21.3% 21.7% 38.4%
9 19.1% 19.6% 35.0%
8 17.0% 17.4% 31.5%
7 14.9% 15.2% 27.8%
6 12.8% 13.0% 24.1%
5 10.6% 10.9% 20.4%
4 8.5% 8.7% 16.5%
3 6.4% 6.5% 12.5%
2 4.3% 4.3% 8.4%
1 2.1% 2.2% 4.3%

How to Calculate Your Draw Odds

To calculate your draw odds:

  1. Count your outs
  2. Look up your draw odds in the table above based on what stage of the hand you are at

What is an Out?

An out is any card which will imporve your hand or make a target hand.

Counting Your Outs

To count your outs simply count all of the cards that will make the hand you are pursuing.

For example, imagine you are on a flush draw with four hearts in your hand:

Board Cards:

Four of Hearts Seven of Hearts King of Clubs

Hole Cards:

Ten of Hearts Jack of Hearts

In this case there would be 9 hearts (outs) remaining in the in the deck to give you a flush. Remember there are thirteen cards in a suit, so this is easily worked out as 13 hearts in the deck – 4 hearts in your hand = 9 outs to make a flush.

Common Drawing Hands

This table shows your draw odds for a number of common drawing hands with examples.

Type of Draw Hole Cards The Flop Specific Outs # Outs
Pocket Pair to Set Six of Clubs Six of Spades King of Clubs Four of Diamonds Ten of Hearts Six of Hearts Six of Diamonds 2
One Overcard Ace of Diamonds Nine of Spades Ten of Diamonds Five of Clubs Two of Hearts Ace of Clubs Ace of Spades Ace of Hearts 3
Inside Straight Draw Ten of Spades Jack of Diamonds Queen of Clubs Eight of Hearts Four of Clubs Any Nine 4
Two Pairs to Full House Ace of Spades King of Diamonds Ace of Hearts King of Clubs Four of Spades Ace of Clubs Ace of Diamonds King of Hearts King of Spades 4
One Pair to Two Pair or Set Ace of Clubs Two of Spades Ace of Spades Seven of Clubs Eight of Spades Ace of Diamonds Ace of Hearts Two of Clubs Two of Diamonds Two of Hearts 5
No Pair to Pair Six of Hearts Seven of Diamonds Two of Spades Five of Clubs Jack of Diamonds Six of Diamonds Six of Clubs Six of Spades Seven of Hearts Seven of Clubs Seven of Spades 6
Two Overcard to One Pair Ace of Spades King of Clubs Jack of Diamonds Seven of Spades Two of Hearts Ace of Clubs Ace of Diamonds Ace of Hearts King of Spades King of Diamonds King of Hearts 6
Set to Full House or Four of a Kind jack of Hearts Ten of Spades Jack of Diamonds Jack of Clubs Ace of Diamonds Jack of Hearts Ten of Clubs Ten of Diamonds Ten of Hearts 7
Open Ended Straight Draw Eight of Hearts Nine of Clubs Seven of Diamonds Ten of Clubs Two of Spades Any Six Any Jack 8
Flush Draw Seven of Hearts Eight of Hearts Two of Hearts King of Hearts Seven of Spades Any Heart 9
Inside Straight Draw & Two Overcards Ace of Clubs King of Spades Ten of Diamonds Jack of Spades Three of Clubs Any Queen Ace of Spades Ace of Diamonds Ace of Hearts King of Clubs King of Hearts King of Diamonds 10
Inside Straight Draw & Flush Draw Jack of Spades Queen of Spades Eight of Spades Nine of Diamonds Ace of Spades Any Ten Any Spade 12
Open Ended Straight & Flush Draw King of Clubs Queen of Clubs ten of Clubs Jack of Clubs Two of spades Any Ace Any Nine Any Club 15

Don’t Count Outs Twice

The table above states that there are 15 outs when you have both a straight and flush draw. You might be wondering why it’s 15 outs and not 17 outs, since there are 8 outs to make a straight and 9 outs for a flush (8 + 9 = 17).

In the example in the table, the AH and the 9H will make a flush and a straight. Since you always use the best hand you have made in poker, these two cards do not make a straight, they make you a flush. Therefore we must not count these twice.

You must consider cards like this when counting your outs. Otherwise your drawing odds will not be correct.

Calculating your Draw Odds (Pure Math)

The odds table at the top of this page make it easy to calculate your draw odds. However, if you wish to understand the math to do it yourself, this section will explain it. Alternatively, use our Poker Odds Calculator and it will do all of the hard work for you.

1 Draw Card

To calculate your odds of making your hand on the next card to be drawn, i.e.:

  • Flop to Turn
  • Turn to River

You would do the following calculation:

formula for calculating odds when drawing 1 card

For example lets say you have 4 hearts in your hand and the next card to be drawn is the turn:

Board Cards:

Four of Hearts Seven of Hearts King of Clubs

Hole Cards:

Ten of Hearts Jack of Hearts

There are 9 remaining hearts (your outs)

There are 47 cards remaining in the deck. 52 cards in the deck minus your 2 hole card and the 3 cards you can see on the board (Note: you do not include your opponent's card because you do not know what they are).

In this example, the calculation would be:

example of calculating odds when drawing 1 card

Giving you 19.1% chance of making a flush on the turn.

2 Draw Cards

When you're on the flop and only need 1 card to make your hand, you have 2 chances of making your hand either on the turn or the river.

To calculate your odds of drawing the card you need on either the turn or the river you can use the following formula:

formula for calculating odds when drawing 2 card

For example, if you have four hearts in your hand on the turn the calculation would be:

Board Cards:

Four of Hearts Seven of Hearts King of Clubs

Hole Cards:

Ten of Hearts Jack of Hearts

As before, there are 9 hearts than can make our flush. When we are on the flop there are still 47 cards remaining in the deck.

Now, if we don't make a flush on the turn, there are still 9 hearts we can draw to make a flush but now there are only 46 cards remaining in the deck.

Our calculation is therefore:

example of calculating odds when drawing 1 cards

Giving us a 34.96% probability of making a flush on either the turn or the river.

Calculating Your Draw Odds (Rule of thumb)

As we can see from the examples above, calculating draw odds is difficult.

A much easier method is the 4 and 2 method. In this method you simple multiple your outs by either 4 or 2 depending on whether your want your odds for the next card or the next 2 cards.

This method is not as precise as the pure math way but it will give you your approximate draw odds and you can calculate it in your head.

1 Draw Card

To calculate your draw odds on the next card (flop to turn, turn to river), you simply multiply your outs by 2

Using the same example as before:

Board Cards:

Four of Hearts Seven of Hearts King of Clubs

Hole Cards:

Ten of Hearts Jack of Hearts

You have 9 outs to make a flush so your would do 9 * 2 = 18% chance of making a flush on the next card.

Note that this is a couple of percentage points out but it is close to the correct number of 19.1% and you can do this in your head.

2 Draw Cards

To calculate your of making your hand on either the turn or the river, you simply multiply your outs by 4

Using the same example as before:

Board Cards:

Four of Hearts Seven of Hearts King of Clubs

Hole Cards:

Ten of Hearts Jack of Hearts

You have 9 outs to make a flush so your would do 9 * 4 = 36% chance of making a flush on either the turn or the river.

Again note that this is a couple of percentage points out. The pure math calculation would you 34.96%.