
Bet Shrew provides the best Texas Hold'em odds calculator available online.

Odds Calculator Features

Draw Odds

Ever wanted to know the precise odds of hitting that straight or flush draw? The Bet Shrew Poker Odds Calculator will show you your draw odds at every stage of the hand:

  • Preflop
  • On the flop
  • On the turn
  • On the river

Over Card Odds

How many times have you made top pair only for an Ace to appear on the turn or the river and completely ruin your hand? The Bet Shrew Odds Calculator shows you the odds of an over card appearing on the board so that you can bet appropriately.

Higher Pocket Pair

Ever gone all in with a poket pair thinking you must be dominating only for your opponent to have a higher pocket pair? The Bet Shrew Poker Odds Calculator will show you the precise odds of an opponent holding a higher pocket pair based on your pair and the number of opponents at the table so you can make more informed betting decisions.

What makes Bet Shrew’s calculator unique?

Unlike other odds calculators, we do not require you to enter your opponent’s cards (which in a real game you do not know).

While other calculators use techniques such as Monte Carlo analysis to give a close approximation of your odds, the Bet Shrew calculator analyses every possible combination of cards that can be drawn meaning that our odds are 100% mathematically correct.

Bet Shrew is supported by ads meaning that our tools are absolutely free. We also do not require any form of registration to use our tools.

Bet Shrew is web based meaning that you do not need to download or install anything. Everything is done in your browser.


Bet Shrew was launched May 5th 2022. It was built and is maintained by Terry Mace.

In 2018, Terry made the decision to change careers and began a software engineering apprenticeship.

Following the covid outbreak, in March 2020 the UK Government enacted the first of several lockdowns. To keep in touch and stay social, Terry and his friends began a monthly online poker game. This was the catalyst for Bet Shrew. Bet Shrew would be a fun coding project that would also help Terry play better poker!

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  • Use this content or images to imply a relationship, affiliation or endorsement of your product, service or business by Bet Shrew.
  • Reuse any materials or their parts within your own branding, service or product.
  • Alter these images in any way or combine them with other graphics.
